Follow Grubby on his Pro-Gaming Adventures: Mission: Clanwar World Elite
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Friday, March 27, 2009

Mission: Clanwar World Elite

Would love to write about it right away, but we are both c o m p l e t e l y FAMISHED! (Essurient, peckish, ALL HUNGRY LIKE) © monty pythons

So we're going to eat now!

4 hours later........

Oof! I think I've about eaten as much as there's room for in any man! I remember something about how you should distribute meals evenly across a day... but who cares!

Anyway, the clan war. We were thinking they're going to use Like & Sky, but right before the match started we thought "hey, it's possible they use TeD and Sky". I mean, Sky is strong vs any race and could win 2 points by himself, and TeD is very powerful in UD mirror. Moreover, he's got very effective strategies against Orc. He often doesn't give the Orc enough time to use their racial advantages effectively. He'll be pushing the Orc before he's 50 food on many occasions, which makes it really tough to play against him.

When the line-ups came up, Ciara messaged me to talk about my opponents and potential strategies. Ever since WC3L uses the new map pool, it's not so obvious anymore which map you should remove and pick. Before, I'd always remove TS vs most players, but now it's not there anymore. Other races would always remove Gnoll wood or Lost Temple, and for me it'd be easy- pick the other! Now, sometimes the favourite maps and vetoed maps are actually switched up quite a bit! It could even be that two different races dislike or like the same map vs each other. I think that's a sign WC3 is becoming more balanced, and that the map pool is quite well balanced also.

Ciara has been sharing some ideas for strategies against Human with me, but I had found little time to practice the match-up actually. Been doing a lot of thinking, though... (on the toilet, in bed, in my dreams, every waking moment... :D). Game 1 against Sky was pure adaptation, while he was setting the pace of the game. Game 2 I tried something but I didn't do it very well, and later Ciara told me my mistakes too. For Game 3, Ciara said I couldn't have done any better, except for the part where I lost track of where Sky was for a moment. He is really a very slippery eel! (in the best sense of speaking). He does that evasion creeping thing really well, and I'm lucky to come out on top.

Considering Happy: he did really well! He doesn't like on-line matches as much as off-line, because he's a very micro intensive player. Despite that, he still managed to beat Sky! As a team mate, I'm very proud of him :)

TeD played really amazing too. Not just did he beat Happy, but he also played really cool strategies against me. As a fan of the game, I just have to say, that I loved his game 1 & game 2 strategy. It's easy to be innovative, but innovation doesn't mean anything unless it also works or nearly works. There's a big difference between making witch doctors and batriders or actually having a working strategy with unusual starting heroes or units! I guess he really practiced those.

I remember I made mass banshees, playing as UD, in wC3L, a few years ago against SGC.Frido (orc). I also possessed a lot of creeps and ended up winning the game :D it's really cool!

LikE was feverish, so that's maybe why he didn't play the 1on1. And that's why the 2v2 was postponed.

I started training right after my own solos and was watching happy/sky from the corner of my eye! Now that I'm back from eating, I'm going to practice some more... even relishing the victory, I cannot stand still. Today may be the result of some good luck or circumstance, but you can never rest on your laurels as a pro-gamer. There's tons of stuff I have to work on, and even parts of my games today, I'm not too satisfied with. Well, the win sure does feel good, but there's more work ahead!

Signing out for tonight,
